What are Headaches?

Informative Resource on Chronic Head Pains

This Section

Is dedicated to all the people that have suffered from headaches excessively without a proper diagnosis or proper treatment.

What Are Headaches?
Researchers have a clear understanding of what causes headaches, but rarely do physicians and most healthcare practitioners. Chronic headaches are caused, in most cases, when the nerve endings in the skin around the brain become hypersensitized and then stimulated by mild to moderate sensory stimulation (stress, bright light, noise, lack of sleep, etc.). The hypersensitization is caused most often by a lifelong poor bite. Many studies have shown that bite alignment therapy is 85% effective at reversing headaches regardless of the type of headache. This is because the bite heavily influences the trigeminal nerve, the only nerve providing pain fibers to the anterior two-thirds of the head. Upper cervical nerves provide pain sensory fibers to the posterior one-third of the head. And both trigeminal and upper cervical go to the same nucleus in the brain (nucleus caudalis). The brain itself is not sensitive to pain, because it lacks pain receptors. However, several areas of the head and neck do have nociceptors (pain sensing nerves), and can thus sense pain. These include the extracranial arteries, large veins, cranial and spinal nerves, head and neck muscles, and the meninges.


Know that headache pain is mediated by two neuropeptides: substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide. Substance P is also known to cause a number of other symptoms associated with headache: nausea, photophobia, and tearing. Both of these neuropeptides become more abundant when the jaw is misaligned. Magnesium deficiency, which is common in over 80% of the population, causes substance P levels to become significantly higher. Cayenne pepper is known to deplete substance P out of the body.

What are headaches has been clearly answered by researchers, yet rarely do physicians either check for a misaligned jaw or refer for evaluation by a dentist knowledgeable in dental orthopedics when confronted with a patient experiencing severe headaches. Jaw misalignment is often covert without obvious symptoms. The best solution in most cases is precision jaw orthopedics. (reference literature available on request)